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Re: GSS API...

> 1) A model for pluggable security providers in Web servers and clients
> 2) The age old question of how to add support in HTTP (i.e., 
> Secure-HTTP etc.) for any random provider.
> [...]
> So, what holes are there?   Why won't this work?  What needs to be 
> changed/added so this will work for your particular implementation?

[Perhaps this is being implicitly said in the last few messages
 in this thread, perhaps not.  I'd like to raise it now.]

I think we need to separate the encryption protocols from the
authentication/payment protocols.  We should add support in HTTP
for encryption (i.e., multiple drop-in encryption modules) with
encryption technology negotiation similar to that discussed in
S-HTTP or the "Accept:" and "Accept-Encoding:" headers in HTTP.

Authentication/payment should be done outside of HTTP via
third-party service providers.  This allows a specific
authentication/payment protocol to do whatever (possibly 
proprietary) challenge/response as is deemed necessary to
ensure security.  HTTP would only need to provide a few
standardized 'generic' messages:

	from the server, an i-accept-authorization-via message
	from the client, an i-have-authorizaiton-from message

where these messages would be like the "Authorization:" header
in HTTP where an authorization-domain is specified followed by
domain-specific parameters.

The authentication/payment protocol should be able to demand
a minimum acceptable encryption technology.

> A transaction from the client perspective may look like:
> [...]
> From a server perspective:
> [...]

[Ignoring for now the DLL implementation details,] a transaction
might go something like this:  [This is a bit brief/informal as
I am still working out the details.]

1) client to http server:
	get url

2) server response:
	402 payment required 
	Authorization-Accept: visa ... c=US, v=$4.50
	Authorization-Accept: amex ... c=US, v=$4.50

3) If the user wanted to pay, the client would contact a 'payment
	service provider' and arrange for payment via the 'visa'
	protocol (or the 'amex' protocol).  As part of the
	transaction the client would be given an authorization

4) client to http server:
	get url
	Authorization-From: visa ...

5) At this point the http server would ask the 'payment service
	provider' if it issued the token.  If it did, the http
	server sends the requested document to the client.  If
	not, it repeats the response in step 2.

This method, I believe, has the following advantages:

1) The HTTP server remains stateless.
2) It still follows the HTTP/1.0 connect/request/response/close
3) Public (non-secure) documents can still be retrieved
	as in HTTP/1.0.
4) Administration of the HTTP server is simplified since only
	the authorization/payment service providers need to
	have the ultra-high security.
5) For payment schemes, someone would need to contact the
	bank or credit card company's host anyway.  This should
	be done under the user's control; credit card and account
	information should be a secret between the client and
	the payment service provider -- the http server should
	not receive any of this information.

Here are a few open issues:

1) In step 5 the server verifies the authorization, could the
	server do this without asking the service provider?
	Could the server use a different service provider (within
	the same protocol) than the client used?
2) The server may also need to issue an "Authorization-Receipt:"

> I realize this is perhaps more work in the short term then what people 
> may be willing to implement but in the long term we'll be better off if 
> we get this right.

Agreed.  Spyglass is willing to commit/donate time/effort/code
long-term to help get this right.



Follow-Ups: References: